I am starting to make some gold now with my potions and gems I am creating. I was also looking in the Mod section for an auction mod and the only one I know of is Auctioneer but I can not find it. Can someone point me in the right direction. It does not have to be fancy, just something that can fetch me a good price for my auctions. Thanks in advance.
New Life|||auctioneeraddon.com
its alot more complicated than it used to be though.|||Quote:
its alot more complicated than it used to be though.
Thanks for a point in the right direction. I will let ya know how it turns out.|||I use auctionator rather than auctioneer. Not sure of any main difference, but their both easy to use and auctionator has made quite a bit of cash for me by taking the current price and slightly undercutting so my gathering profs are making cash fast.|||Quote:
I use auctionator rather than auctioneer. Not sure of any main difference, but their both easy to use and auctionator has made quite a bit of cash for me by taking the current price and slightly undercutting so my gathering profs are making cash fast.
That's what Auctioneer used to do as well, before the patch. I just plemped an item on and it would immediately give me a suggested starting bid/buyout. It no longer does this, and I've no idea if it's still possible and what I'm supposed to change in the configuration then - I'm not entirely stupid, but the new Auctioneer configuration really confuses me.
If Auctionator does set a price for you, then I might just switch. I found that my bank toons are getting clogged with auctionable items that I'm just not selling because it's such a pain to put them on the AH.|||I found autioneer pack difficult to get my head around with the new gizmos and bean counters etc (the older version was more user friendly), and I was running auctionator before the latest patch. Just found it easier to use and it does suggest the prices, allow mulitple same item sales and checks for "of the..." items if yours is not shown.|||I don't think you guys have been using Auctioneer for quite some time now, cos the current version allows you to select a "classic auctioneer" view.
So I used the classic auctioneer, then wen auc-advanced came out I also thought it was quite a change, but after some time you will come to realize (like I did) how MUCH better the auc-advanced really is! It allows you to set auction lists, hide those things that you don't wanna sell so you wont put it on the ah by mistake, auto scans currents ah prices on the items you have on your ah selling list (instead of scanning the entire AH that can take up to 10min in crowded servers) and automatically puts all your auctions in the pre-defined stacks and prices with a click of a button (actually a click on 4 buttons at once :P )
I strongly recommend that if you put more than 20 items in the ah at a time then the auc-advanced is a must, yes it a bit more complicated but it has tooltips for everything it does, so just read them the 1st few times and then you will get the hand of it
Is you do not sell on the AH, and what you want is something that tells you if that price is right or not, then, any "average price" addon will do just fine.|||Quote:
I don't think you guys have been using Auctioneer for quite some time now, cos the current version allows you to select a "classic auctioneer" view.
FYI, I have just updated Auctioneer again last week, after having downloaded it immediately after the patch - just hoping for a change in the post-patch version, so that it'd work like it used to. I know of the Classic view, but that doesn't mean it is the Classic version.
My main issue is that the user friendliness of the Classic version is now gone, and that I'm stuck with everything that annoyed me about the Advanced one. I have studied the configuration, but I can't figure out how to set things to my wishes. It keeps scanning whenever I'm browsing items, which is a pain on my slow computer. Whenever I put up an item, it sets a starting bid of vendor x 3 and no buyout, while the Classic version would give me a suggested bid/buyout. Before, I could always see in an item's tooltip what its suggested value was, but now I see a whole list of crap and instead of a quick glance I now have to stare at my tooltip to try and figure out which of the given numbers is the value. All of that just irks me.
I don't need to have a filter for certain items, because I'm not so stupid that I put up stuff I don't want to sell. I don't want a nifty tool putting up a dozen auctions at a time, because I'd rather do it manually and keep control over it myself. But what I do want, is that when I put up an item I only have to click "submit", and that I can scan whenever I want to and not on other moments, and that I have a neat tooltip with an indication of what it's worth. And from what I can see in the configuration right now, Auctioneer doesn't offer that anymore. If it does then I'd be happy for a step-by-step howto with visual aids, but otherwise I'd probably try out other addons. Pity, really, because I've always loved the Classic Auctioneer.|||Quote:
FYI, I have just updated Auctioneer again last week, after having downloaded it immediately after the patch - just hoping for a change in the post-patch version, so that it'd work like it used to. I know of the Classic view, but that doesn't mean it is the Classic version.
I find Auctioneer (Advanced or its version of Classic) rather tedious to use and not a patch (little joke there) on the one available about two post-patch versions ago. I have a whole array of items that look like they're overpriced but when I check turn out to be quite reasonable. And I'm tired of being told 'no data available for XXX' when it's something commonly seen on the AH. All in all, neither version is working satisfactorily despite doing many scans, and I think when I do a major overhaul of my addons today I will look for something else to try. Very disappointing....|||Ok lets not flame over this.. No one said you were stupid to sell thins you do not want m8. But if you consider that Auc-Advaced lets you auction all your items in the bags with a click of a button, or if like me, you sell the same stuff everyday and don't wanna search for it in the bags (before this patch I walked around with 3 sets of gear -DPS, Healing and PVP- and all kings of raid consumables) to post them one by one just like you want, then hiding your gear and other stuff from the sectable list is a good thing.
About the tooltips, yes they are in general more confusing (have more info) and if you don't like all that info just go to the addons preferences and change it.
If you don't like the "scan wile searching items" just disable it.
But what I do want, is that when I put up an item I only have to click "submit"
Check the "post" tab.
I'm not an auc-advanced flag carrier of anithing but I've been using it for more than 2 years and I think one should respect the authors work and at least give it a try, and I say this cos they listen to some of the users and implemented the classic auctioneer options back (besides having supported the previous version of auctioneer and the current at the same time).
I'm not at home so a step by step config help can only be posted in a few hours (not with images thow, cos since ur not stupid you will get it easily with text only ;) ) But in the meanwhile you can go here for any questions http://wiki.norganna.org/AucAdvanced
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