Saturday, April 21, 2012

Trouble with Recount

I've been trying to get the addon Recount to work for a couple of weeks. I've installed previous addons so I think I know how to do it but it just isn't working.

What am I doing?

I go to curse and download the add on.

Unzip the file

Place the file in the add on folder

Load WOW

and I get nothing

There seem to be several versions of Recount so I've downloaded both versions and put them in Add On folder at the same time...I've done one at a time...I've left them in the original folders (Recount inside of a folder) and w/o the original folder...

Is there anyone that could tell me which version I should get or do I need both?

I've tried logging in and using /show recount.../show recount2 and all I get is the msg to use the help command.

I've seen comments on the add on that many can't get it to work but it seems everyone I am with has a working version.

I'm sure I'm doing something incorrectly but I have no idea what.

The FAQ section of this board says I can go to the add on button to see if it's running but i don't know where the add on button is.

*Edit* I found the add on screen at login and it shows both Recount and Recount2 loaded but I still can't figure out how to use the add on.

Any help is appreciated.|||/recount

does that work?|||It's really no tribble at all...|||Recount2 was a abandoned project you need to use Recount not Recount2.|||Assuming it's loaded (checked, not marked as Out of Date or, if it is, Load out of Date addons is checked)...

/recount show will show the UI.|||Just get rid of Recount2, and type "/recount show".|||Quote:


does that work?

Thanks for all the help but I still have nothing...

when I type /recount or /recount show, I get this message

"type /help for a listing of a few commands"

I finally dropped all the recount addons and redownloaded the first recount version on curse that's on the 2nd page...i turned off all other add ons

In the add on menu, I see Recount as active and current

I went in the wtf folder and deleted all recount.lua files in every char and folder in there

I typed /recount resetpos and that didnt work as suggested in the writer's comments.

Any other suggestions?|||There's a tab for addons in Options menu.

hit ESC, find Interface Options, then click on the tab that says "addons". if its there, its there. if its not... well... i'll go look at mine!|||Also, make sure to look at when the Recount addon you are downloading was updated and make sure that you have no other damage meters running as that could hinder the effectiveness of Recount.

Focus macro

Before WotLK hit I had a macro which I really loved, and used it for 3 different spells:

/cast Banish [target=focus]

This way I would just have to set a focus target before the pulll, and it woud enable me to cast a spell (Banish, Fear, or Seduce) on the target without having to switch target mid-fight. However, since WotLK I get an error when I try to use it; it says something about not recognising the 'target=focus' bit.

A friend of mine suggested to go with /target focus and /target lasttarget, but then the target will switch to my focus while I'm casting the spell in question - I don't want that. I really prefer to be able to keep an eye on my main target, also because of the positioning of my dot bars from Dotimer (they move around if I switch targets).

So, is there any way I can fix my old macro? Bottom line is that I set a focus target, and then keep my target on the boos/skull/whatever. When I hit the button I want spell x to be targetted on my focus without me losing the boss/skull/whatever as my target. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)|||try this


/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]

/focus [target=focus,noexists]

/script SetRaidTarget("focus", 1)

/cast [target=focus]Polymorph

/stopmacro [nogroup]

/s --== Sheeping and Marking "%f" ==--|||I never really use focus macros, but I was under the impression that the targeting command came before the spell. So you would want something like:

/cast [target=focus] Banish

Don't know if it will help, but it's worth a shot.|||Lothaer, please explain that macro - it makes no sense to me. What does show tooltip mean? And why should I clear focus first? And stopmacro.. and %f.. que?


try this


/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]

/focus [target=focus,noexists]

/script SetRaidTarget("focus", 1)

/cast [target=focus]Polymorph

/stopmacro [nogroup]

/s --== Sheeping and Marking "%f" ==--

That bolded bit looks like what Superspam said.. wouldn't that be sufficient? Or am I just thinking too simplistic?|||Full Polymorph/Focus Macro

This polymorph macro will do the following:

1. Clear your focus if your old focus target is dead

2. Clear your focus if your old focus target doesn't exist anymore

3. Set your focus on what you have targeted if you don't have a focus already

4. Place a Star marker over the head of the focus target (if you are group/raid leader/assistant)

5. Polymorph the Focus target

6. Announce the sheeping.

This allows one button to do the whole sheeping process without the need for a separate /clearfocus button (though an additional macro that does a /script SetRaidTarget("focus",0) and then a /clearfocus would be useful to let the group know the sheep is free game now might be useful)

Holy Paladin Judgment Macro


I'm attempting to get the most out of the new Judgment buffs in the Holy tree, but I'm not coordinated enough to swap the enemy and then swap back to my healing target, chiefly the tank.

I've attempted to make a macro which:

Looks at what I've got targeted. If it's a friendly it does targetoftarget, but if it's a baddie it will judge current target. And then targetlasttarget. The issue is after the judge I can't seem to figure out how to get it to go back to my healing target.

With the help of server friends and online resources this is what I've come up with thus far:

/cast [nodead, help, target=targetoftarget][nodead,harm]Judgement of Light

At this point I think my logic is flawed or it isn't possible.

-Klutz|||I think you missed the word 'Batman' off the end of your Thread title|||if you are judging the tank's target, this is easy.

/cast [target=targettarget, harm] Judgement of Light

If you target your tank, this will cast Judgement of Light on your Tank's target without changing your target. you can then freely cast healing spells on the tank after.

for more options, i'd make this macro:

/cast [target=targettarget, harm, mod:alt] Judgement of Light; [target=targettarget, harm, mod:ctrl] Judgement of Wisdom; [target=targettarget, harm, mod:shift] Hammer of Justice; [nomod] Flash of Light

Press alt, judge light; press ctrl, judge wisdom; press shift, HAMMARRR!; press nothing but the hotkey, heals tank. you can do all this while just targeting the tank.|||Quote:

if you are judging the tank's target, this is easy.

/cast [target=targettarget, harm] Judgement of Light

If you target your tank, this will cast Judgement of Light on your Tank's target without changing your target. you can then freely cast healing spells on the tank after.

for more options, i'd make this macro:

/cast [target=targettarget, harm, mod:alt] Judgement of Light; [target=targettarget, harm, mod:ctrl] Judgement of Wisdom; [target=targettarget, harm, mod:shift] Hammer of Justice; [nomod] Flash of Light

Press alt, judge light; press ctrl, judge wisdom; press shift, HAMMARRR!; press nothing but the hotkey, heals tank. you can do all this while just targeting the tank.

I've tested it out, but it's still targeting off the tank target, and not going back. On a positive note, it did free up some buttons. :)


I've tested it out, but it's still targeting off the tank target, and not going back. On a positive note, it did free up some buttons. :)


thats odd, i have macros like this often and i NEVER change targets unless im using a channeled ability. judgements and hammer of justice are not channeled, so you will never retarget anything but your tank. it will cast spells on what your tank is targeting as long as you have your tank as the target.

also, if your tank is the group leader, then this will also work.

/cast [target=party1target]

if you make your tank the focus, then this will work:

/cast [target=focustarget]

plug those in for the above when you feel comfortable with using it.

also, if you just need to retarget the tank, you can...

/target party1


/target focus


/target tank_name|||Quote:

thats odd, i have macros like this often and i NEVER change targets unless im using a channeled ability. judgements and hammer of justice are not channeled, so you will never retarget anything but your tank. it will cast spells on what your tank is targeting as long as you have your tank as the target.

also, if your tank is the group leader, then this will also work.

/cast [target=party1target]

if you make your tank the focus, then this will work:

/cast [target=focustarget]

plug those in for the above when you feel comfortable with using it.

also, if you just need to retarget the tank, you can...

/target party1


/target focus


/target tank_name

Is there a way to just cast a spell on target of target and then have it retarget my last target?|||I found some information that helps but I know not how to apply it.


Probably i figured out the problem.

It seems that some offensive spell (like Judgements) trigger autoattack and automatically switch target to the enemy. I don't know if it is intended or not, but since years if you cast Judgement without any target, the nearest enemy is targeted and judged.

-Klutz|||I think we have a winner.

#showtooltip Judgement of LIght
/cast [nodead, help, target=targetoftarget][nodead,harm]Judgement of Light
/stop attack

Two key presses, just have to remember to do one when I'm farming.

-klutz|||yes, sorry i was out for the weekend.

/targetlastenemy i think, or /targetlasttarget works.

i didnt know judgements started your autoattacks. that would answer that question!

glad you figured it out!|||Update: they've made changes last patch -- go figure.

/cast Judgment [name]


hunter aspect macro?

i was just wondering if there was a macro that can help me.

i would like to be able to change from aspect of the hawk to aspect of the viper and back again at the touch of one button (i know it will be more than one button press). is it possible or not?

if yes plz help
|||/castsequence Aspect of the Hawk, Aspect of the Viper|||that worked thnx

macro tooltips

with macro tooltips is there anyway to make them say what u want rather than using the spells tooltips? instead of having it all in the macro name

prob not poss without an addon but thought i would ask

Instant slam notification

Is there an addon that will notify me when instant slam procs?

Or can someone tell me how to use an existing addon to show only instant slam?|||Try typing "Warcraft Slam Alert" into a search engine - I recommend a little known one called "Google"

Took all of 12 seconds to find exactly what you want.|||just get "event alert". It works for all classes, and it works great.|||And to save you looking, it's here:

Inventory Lock Addon

I'm not sure this addon exists, and to be honest it shouldn't exist at all... but I'm an idiot and something like that I would find really useful.

I have a bad habit of switching my gear for fishing or wearing silly hats for no good reason when I'm not really playing the game, etc... and then I forget I switched it and sell my really good gear w/o thinking about it. I thought I did it last night with my helm when I realized it wasn't equipped but it was a false alarm and the helm was just in my bag. But I did do this before with and sold a really sweet staff that I had and didn't realize it till I went into battle with a fishing pole!!

So.... there a mod that lets you set a lock on equipment so that you don't accidentally sell important stuff?|||Just do what I do.

When I'm taking off important things, or keeping extra gear that I need in my bags, I keep it in the very last place in my bags (by that I mean, when the bags fill up, these would be that last spots filled). A place where it could not have got on its own. They are known in my head as the "do not sell" spots.|||I saw that ArkInventory has the options to create categories. I'm wondering if it's possible to create a category for 'sellables' and another for 'equipment' and go from there....|||I use the categories in ArkInventory to do this. I've got one category for "Equipment (Soulbound)" and another category for "Equipment (Non-Soulbound)".

If you use both AI and an outfit mod (Outfitter and ItemRack are the 2 I've personally checked this with, and it should also work for ClosetGnome), you can even make a special rule in AI that will let you put "Items that are part of Outfits" to a category. (use the "Rules" system, make the rule text "outfit()", then assign that rule to a category).

This works fairly well - since doing it, I've managed to not sell any of my Naxx epics or Heroic blues from whichever set I'm not using (I have to swap between Shadow DPS and Holy Healing regularly - damn those healers who don't show up on raid nights!).