I was wondering if there is an addon that could somehow provide me with the coordinates of my selected target. The reason is that sometimes I'm searching a particular mob, and while I know he's near because of a /target command I still am unable to find him - for instance, he's just around the corner or inside a building. Does anyone know of such an addon?|||now thats something i havnt heard of give me a bit to see if i can find anything :D|||ok i had a look around at the major mod sites and asked a few people i know and from what ive been told there is no such mod and such a thing is not possible.|||Was, there, at least at one time, a mod that would display distance to target? I think it made ranged shots/spells at max range easier. I am pretty sure a macro to turn your character to face the target is out, I looked around for something like that when I was dualboxing and that kept coming up as "cannot be done"|||most HUD mods have a distance to target option.|||Unless you have tracking a mod cannot do this. The best you could do would be a very rough estimate of direction.
Get yourself a Jewelcrafting Focusing lens :P I carry a couple for just this reason.|||Thanks for the replies. I didn't really count on having a ready-made mod for this specific option, but the idea of using a focusing lens does appeal. But do those lenses work through walls? It would be great if it did. :D My main is a jc, I'll have to try it out. Much obliged.
Edit: According to a comment on Wowhead it does go through walls. Splendid! And the lens doesn't have a minimum level to use either, so I can just send one to my alts without worry. Great tip, thanks again.
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