Saturday, April 21, 2012

Need alternative to MonitorStatus and AnnoyRejector

I'm looking for an alternative to a favorite addon of mine when Cosmos was still alive; MonitorStatus. Sadly it hasn't been updated and I doubt it will.

MonitorStatus is an addon that has helped me for years, since I don't seem to pay attention to my Health bar, this addon shows my health and mana, my pet, any party members, and the target.

It changes color depending on your settings, and shows health 50 and below being Fair, which can go all the way down to Critical.

I used it for soloing, and for running people through instances. And I want something like it.

Is there anything. Anything at all that will be close, AND updated for the 3.0.9 patch?

I also need to find a replacement to AnnoyRejector. It does work, but it displays errors when I get invited into a guild/group/raid.

AnnoyRejector blocks guild/charter/duel, and group invites, and PM's the person in an attempt to make him or her stop annoying you.|||For the first, I would search for either a HUD (eg Ice HUD), unitframes (eg pitbull), or a SCT addon with low hp alerts (eg MSBT). There will probably be simpler ones but maybe its time to upgrade!

For the second, I know I've seen about a dozen of these around. Off the top of my head I think some are zimDecline, InviteIgnore, DuelIgnore, DontBugMe etc.

Pretty much any addon you can imagine has been written, if you cant find it by searching on this site then just do a google search for 'wow' 'addon' and a description, then of course take the name of the addon and search for it here on WoWUI.

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