Saturday, April 21, 2012

Looking for a non-incompatible chat addon

I need Smartchat... badly. It's an addon that remembers the last chat channel I was in, and goes into that channel when I hit Enter.

But it's incompatible. Actually.. it seems like any chat addon that wasn't updated this year is incompatible!

I tried ChatLock... it too is incompatible. Please. I need an alternative like Smartchat. Or a way to make it unincompatible.

According to the wiki, WoW has it's own version of this of making the chat channel, sticky. Kinda like staying in Party or Guild chat.

You use this;

/script ChatTypeInfo["CHANNEL"]={sticky=1};

But it does not work. Taking out the "" 's or using upper/lowercase for the channel name does nothing.

I tried that with no addons, and it did not work.|||I use Prat. Works fine.|||Ok. Installed Prat. Works great. But how to I set it where the chat window(where I type) shows up on the bottom again?|||at the bottome of the screen? Just move the tab. The window might be locked by default - right click the tab, unlock if it is.|||I use Persistence of Chattiness (POC), just fyi.|||Its in the prat config, make sure that the "Channel Sticky" module is set to load and it should go to the last channel you typed in whenever you hit enter, works for whispers,guild,general and everything else.

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