Saturday, April 21, 2012

Target Assist

I'm a lvl 80 FF Mage new to heroics and raids. This may be a stupid question but thought ya'll might indulge a noob. Is there an addon or macro that will assist me in targeting the marked targets in the order designated? No problem getting the first one, but with AoE blasting everywhere and DK auras also in the field I'm having a tough time identifying and targeting the next in line. And I don't want to stand there adding nothing to the fray while I try to find the right target. Help!!!!|||unfortunately the raid icons are not targetable i can only suggest tab targeting or what you can do is when the 1st target is dead target the MT and press F.|||Thanks Lothaer! Darn, it would be sooo much easier :)|||nope. that was taken out a long time ago. you'll have to either tab through everyone til you get to your next target (X, circle, diamon, etc) or, you can hope to hell the tank has good reflexes and has targetted the next target.

in which case, there's two things you can do:

1. /assist party1 (or tank's name if tank is not the party leader, or his raid number, aka /assist raid6, etc. or main assist, or whatever you use, to identify the next mob)

2. /cast [target=target, nomod] [target=party1target, mod:alt] Fireball

this will cast fireball on your target always.

press alt and this will cast fireball on the tank's target if the tank is the party leader (and usually he should, however in raids it can be a little different, then you would have to change the party1 to his name "tank_name-target" in order for this to work.)

those are some workarounds. hope they help.|||Or press V, that shows lifebars of mobs and makes targetting easier - though you need to be in resonable distance.

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