Saturday, April 21, 2012

Using settings between addons

I have addons I haven't used for nearly 2 years now. I have found updates for most of them.

Is there a way I could copy/paste settings from my old addons into the new? Say for like XPerl, FuBar, DepositBox.. addons like that, so I won't have to remember what I used before?

Is there a file that will allow me to do this? And if so, what is it named?|||so you want to use settings of addons u used 2 years ago on their updated version am i correct?|||That is correct. I basically just want like bar settings and stuff like that. At least something to help me remember what I used and setting it in a file.

What I mean is, opening an old file, looking at the settings, and matching them with the newer file, without replacing it with the old file.

I'm sure there will be some incompatibilities if I actually replaced the file.|||yeah replacing the file is bad all addon settings are saved in the WTF folder in your World of Wacraft folder.|||As Lothaer said, the settings are saved in the WTF/Account folder, in either SavedVariables or /YourCharacter/SavedVariables.

If you still have these files you *could* replace those in the newer version, however it is very unlikely that those addons use the same system. A better idea might just be to simply open the old files, look at what settings you used, then use those in the new addons menu.|||I was thinking the file info would be in the Localization.txt files, but after reading this, I am pretty much out of luck since I didn't back up my WTF folder.|||Be glad - most addons will have different ways of storing settings after 2 years, and if you tried to somehow copy your terribly outdated settings you'd most likely end up getting a dozen errors.

Most addons aren't that hard to configure (exceptions aside), so you should be able to manage. :)

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