what is the mod that is being used to put those nice borders around those buffs on this sreenie? Also what is the mod thats showing the bars on the top left hand side with fps and ms etc?
Is it possible for Tidy plates to show debuffs on them? If so, how?
Thanks|||The border for the buffs is most likely button facade. It would require a button faacade compatable buff mod to work though. (Satrina Buff Frames would work, and can be made to look like the screenshot with the help of Button Facade.) The Button Facade skin they are using looks like Caith, or one of the Caith similar skins.
I'm not sure what addon is giving the information in the left. The text itself looks a lot like SLDataText, but that mod doesn't come with bars as far as I know. I almost wonder if it is something like SLDataText with the bars being done in something like KGpanels (with some scripting.) The rest of the UI definitely is using KGpanels or a similar mod for other effects.
I did a bit of Googling, and it looks like the UI in the screenshot is likely a version of TukUI. (That would mean that they aren't actually specific addons, but a version of the larger TukUI which has been edited to get that look.) So, you can poke around at the different edits on the TukUI site, or play with stand alone addons to get a similar effect.
I don't have any experience with TidyPlates, but I do know that showing buffs/debuffs on nameplates is a bit sketchy. Because of how nameplates work, there really isn't any good solution. There are some addons that do their best (and I'm sure there is something compatible with TidyPlates) but they have limitations.
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