Saturday, April 14, 2012

Quick Power Auras/Shaman question (should be easy :P)

[:1]Okay, Hi there.

So, I watched a video a few months ago, probably more like a year now... But, I THINK that this video, a Shaman was saying about his AddOns.

He mentioned Power Auras and that it helps him know if he's in range of his totems.

So, is this information correct? can you indeed set power auras to have an aura for when you're in range then for it to disappear once out.

If so, could anyone advise me on how to set it up?


~Kiri.|||The totems give buffs to your character when you're in range of them and all totem names have the word "totem" in them. So you'd create a Powerauras setting to watch for any buff with the word totem in it.

You didn't mention how much experience you have with Powerauras, so I'll explain the entire thing to you. After you've chosen the picture, it's color, size and location, in the activation tab below there's a row where you'll see ???. Replace those question marks with the word Totem.

If you tick the box invert, the picture will only show up when you AREN'T in range of totems. If you don't tick the invert box it'll show up when you ARE in range. Choose whichever suits you better, but I tend to prefer knowing when I don't have buffs, because it's easier for me to notice a new picture appearing instead of a current one disappearing.

Since you'll spend a lot of time in cities, soloing etc where you might not want or need totems, it's a good idea to restrict Powerauras. You can tick the boxes for in party, in raid, in combat or specific group sizes if you want it to only work in them or click on a box 2 times to make it ignore that specific thing. By default Powerauras will be disabled when you're resting in a capital or an inn, mounted or in a vehicle.

In the other tabs you can change the beginning and ending animations, add a sound warning etc if you wish.

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