Monday, April 16, 2012

addons not working

i have successfully added two addons "recipe radar & auction master " but now none of the new addons i try to put in come up on the addon screen at the charter screen can anyone help me?|||Quote:

i have successfully added two addons "recipe radar & auction master " but now none of the new addons i try to put in come up on the addon screen at the charter screen can anyone help me?

Make sure you have them installed correctly. Likely you did not extract them correctly thus you have folder in folder syndrome. Look for the the .toc file for each addon and note where it is located. It should be something like this:


Any other combo such as Interface/AddOns/RecipeRadar_426654/RecipeRadar.toc or Interface/AddOns/RecipeRadar/RecipeRadar/RecipeRadar.toc is incorrect.|||Also check to make sure that you have the folders correct - like not having a zip in the addons folder or if the addon comes in a package form, you need to manually pull the individual add on folder out and put it in your add on folder.

-Happened to me once.

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