Monday, April 16, 2012

Is an addon available to make waypoints?

Hi all!

Forgive me that I'm asking such a noob question.

I played WoW a few years ago. In this time I had many addons.

One helped me with waypoints. Somehow I was able to create one and on screen there was an arrow showing me direction an how far I have to go.

Now I restarted playing WoW and have no idea, what addon it was.

I tried MetaMap, but it does not work for me.

Another one I tried was QuestHelper. There I have an arrow to a special quest, but I can't use full functionality.

I would be very happy if somebody might help me.


Thorga|||Cartographer had this functionality pre 3.3 anyways, haven't used it since then, but I'd say

it's worth a try!|||TomTom can do this.|||Thanx a lot for your answers.

I will them both give a try!!! :-)

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