Saturday, April 14, 2012

Character Portrait Changer

[:1]Hi everyone,

I was looking at a video on about the Gnomish Airport and other "top-secret" places that are very very wierd... anyways, the point of the post is this...

I noticed the gnome in the video, his character portrait (where his health bar, mana bar, etc..) wasn't your standart gnome portrait but was HIM (with his armor on) as in his full body portrait. Thing is, the portrait MOVED also... I'm not sure if the portrait moved as in ran when he ran, but it deffinitaly swayed from side to side like when you ctrl-click on a peice of armor, or hit "c" to view your character...

Could anyone tell me which mod or ui gives you the option to change your portrait to that one the gnome had? I really would like to use it!

Thank you in advance for all your help,

Seeo|||Its called 3DModels, there is quite a bit mods out there that does this effect.

I have personal experiences with the addon on this site named ModelMagic. its highly customize able and works pretty well. I think you should try it out :)|||ill get back to u ok my mate usues on ill ask him hes not on atm|||this is the 1 my mate uses|||Alright! Got it!

After fiddling with it for a few, I'm guessing this works best when used in conjunction with Discord Art and Discord Unit Frames?

Thanks,|||Yup. Go to to view some possible UIs you can make. One of the best I've ever seen is Serpent's RuinUI v2.0 but unfortunately it was posted awhile ago (January) and last time I fiddled around with it trying to get it to work right, it wouldn't cooperate. I don't have the time to spend on trying to get it working right either! Rather play.

Hope that helps.|||Can anyone tell me how to draw a portrait and make it look 3D step by step? I am drawing a portrait of my best friend for her birthday and i want it to look really good.Can someone help me by giving me the steps to draw a good 3D portrait and making the back round look life like.|||holy bump lol|||Thats gotta be a record! 4 years!|||And somehow a ui customization thread...four years an opening to an art class?

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