Monday, April 16, 2012

Looking for an old atlasloot enhanced v1.21.00

Looking for a link to where I can download atlasloot enhanced v1.21.00 or 1.20.00

thanks = D|||why do you want a out dated addon that wont work on WoW 3.3? is it for use on a private server? if so we do not support private servers as they are against Blizzard ToU and we up hold blizzards rules here.|||I had a similar search last year to try and figure out how to link the drops from the original Naxxramas since they were removed in newer versions of AtlasLoot and replaced with the lv80 Naxx garbage. *sigh* Corrupted Ashbringer you never dropped for me.|||why would you want to link the old naxx loot? is this like a bout of extreme nostalgia for vanilla wow or something?

EDIT: anyway we're looking to find a version thats over a year old, since before wrath came out. I seriously doubt you'll be able to find it on any of the addon websites.|||Quote:

why would you want to link the old naxx loot? is this like a bout of extreme nostalgia for vanilla wow or something?

EDIT: anyway we're looking to find a version thats over a year old, since before wrath came out. I seriously doubt you'll be able to find it on any of the addon websites.

Why does anybody want to link anything? That's a silly question. You may not care what anything older than current end-game looks like or the stats therein but plenty of people do.

I would help the OP out as I had the final version pre 3.0 but just recently cleared it out.

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