Saturday, April 14, 2012

New to WoW and looking for ..........


Our family is new to WoW , we are looking for a mod or addon that will allow us to see location coordinates.

Can anyone please suggest something ??

Many Thanks|||Cartographer used to be the one to have....|||........but it stopped working with the latest patch and as far as I know they haven't updated it. the titan bar gives you your character's coordinates, and there are various other mapping mods which will probably do it. just have to try them out and see which 1 suits you the best. has all the addons you could want.|||Indeed. I ran with very few addons even when I was raiding like mad.|||Quote:


Our family is new to WoW , we are looking for a mod or addon that will allow us to see location coordinates.

Can anyone please suggest something ??

Many Thanks

You don't really need an addon just for that, you can create a macro and put this script code on it:

/script px,py=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("%s: %s, %s",GetZoneText(),px*100,py*100));

To create a Macro, go to the Game Menu -> Macros -> New

Give a name and select an icon for your macro, press Okay

Paste the two lines of code above at the box with the "Enter macro commands:" label above it.

You can put the macro in one of your actions bars just like any spell/ability.|||Thanks for the advice all.

Will give the Macro idea a try


Diz|||There's several minimap addons which feature that ability. For example, Chinchilla and pMinimap.

Just do a search on one of the various addon sites for 'minimap' or check that category and you should be able to find something you like.

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