Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Macro Help

I am a feral druid. I'm talking about a cat form macro here.

I'm looking to make a macro that will cast Tiger's Fury (which is a spell with no GCD) and then Shred. Right now I have a macro that cast's Ravage if I am stealthed, and casts Shred if I am not. I want to add Tiger's Fury to this macro but I only want it to apply to the unstealthed/Shred portion of the macro. I do not want Tiger's Fury to be cast if I am stealthed/going to use Ravage. Right now this is what my macro looks like:

#show tooltip [stealth] Ravage; [nostealth] Shred

/cast [stealth] Ravage; [nostealth] Shred

Could someone please help me with this?

Thanks|||Try something like this maybe

#show tooltip [stealth] Ravage; [nostealth] Shred
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/cast [nostealth] Tiger's Fury
/cast [stealth] Ravage;Shred
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

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