Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Duel Screen SetUp

hi guys i want some help. my sister gave me her old pc screen to use on my brand new gaming pc i just got.

my question is i want to play wow on my larger 19" wide screen but still want to use my smaller 17" "sisters" screen.

how can i setup a duel screen setup so i can play wow on the larger screen but have my adds like,



and the map on the second screen. if you can point me on the right direction with any addons or mode it would really help. thanks|||You don't need any addons or additional programs to run a dual screen setup, you only need a graphics card capable of supporting 2 screens. If your gaming PC is new then this should be a problem as most cards made within the last few years have the required 2 sockets. You'll need to plug both monitors in (you may need a DVI-VGA adaptor depending on the monitor/graphics card). Fire up windows and use the graphIc cards control panel to configure the monitors.

You can divide WoW over 2 screens (maps, stats etc) on one screen and player on the other but it's a complicated process involving redrawing the WoW screen and moving the required windows onto the second screen - I've been playing with it for years and it's never really worked or benefitted me.

This thread is useful

I run WoW windowed but maximised in one, run everything else in the other. Trying to run mods that rescale the game area and the rendered game just became such a pain - although I may spend the day trying now you've put the idea back in my head :)|||Quote:

I run WoW windowed but maximised in one, run everything else in the other.

I do the same on my Mac. Just enlarge the WoW window to the biggest you can and still see the outseide edges of your desktop. Then move any other app over to the second moniter when you open it.

I also use this set up for Multiboxing. I have my main char on the main screen and the two others in smaller windows on the second screen. All of the WoW windows are simply adjusted manually as there isn't a program to do it on the Mac.|||Quote:

Just enlarge the WoW window to the biggest you can and still see the outseide edges of your desktop

Why not just check the maximised box (unless thats not in the mac client)?|||Quote:

Why not just check the maximised box (unless thats not in the mac client)?

There is a maximised option on the Mac but it will basically blank out your second screen when you go Full Screen.

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