I'm looking for an auction house mod that will tell me what to buy at low prices and sell at higher prices, As I am new to the whole ah thing I'm trying to get as much help as possible so that I may have gold to spread around so I can make new toons. I have 101gold as of now on my level 59 dk. Where should I start?|||Auctioneer will help you a lot. But you need to scan AH for few weeks to teach him current prices.|||ok, well I got Aucioneer. I've scanned through 10 times. Is that enough?|||Quote:
ok, well I got Aucioneer. I've scanned through 10 times. Is that enough?
I'd say 'No'. When it's newly installed (and sometimes even when you update it) a daily scan for perhaps two weeks will set it to working properly. The Current Auctioneer isn't as good as the original versions were. But I think, having tried some of the alternatives, that it's about as good as you're gonna get. It does need, though, to be fed very repetitively with daily scans for an extended period if you want it to work at its best.
To scan ten times in one day doesn't give it enough variable information. To scan daily over an extended period gives it a lot more as prices and items available change. Set it to 'Scan', go have a cup of coffee or something, and then come back to it. Once you've given it a base of information, the ongoing scans it does as you search for items or put items up for auction is usually enough to keep it current.|||Quote:
Set it to 'Scan', go have a cup of coffee or something, and then come back to it.
sometimes it can be set it to scan the go get some take-away and come back its still scanning lol.|||Quote:
sometimes it can be set it to scan the go get some take-away and come back its still scanning lol.
If you scan with page by page scan it can take forever especially on a dead slow machine without ram.
Never takes more than 5 minutes if you use fast scanning option (fast forward button).
Reads all the auction in one go, and added benefit is you wont get any items missed.|||http://auctioneeraddon.com/images/browsetab.png
The button he means is the blue labelled one in the screen shot. it will scan everything in a couple of minutes.|||Rule of thumb:
On all the servers I have played on all mats/herbs etc are priced for less on the weekend.
All gems/enchants/enchanting mats sell better and for more on tues/weds.
My thoughts are that more people farm on the weekend and more people are getting new gear on tues/weds.
I typically sell 5-10 meta gems on tues/weds and only a few the rest of the week.|||Auctioneer is very complicated these days. It has several options that I never even look at. I just use it for the basic things like auto undercutting other auctions by a set amount, but if you read up on all of its functions, it can be a very useful tool.
If you want to, you can get a LOT of gold by playing the AH, but it takes time and a little gold to start off with. Best of luck with it :)|||Time playing ah > daily quests if same time restraints are assumed?
I think professions are still #1 when making gold.
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